Here at Shockoe we often use cross-platform tools to build our apps. Using a cross-platform tool allows us to have one code base for apps that run on multiple platforms. There will be some platform specific code, but most things can be shared. Our cross-platform tool of choice is Axway Titanium. It used to be that cross-platform tools heavily leveraged WebViews. Tools like Cordova (ex PhoneGap) allow the developer to write a mobile website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then PhoneGap handles showing this content to the user inside of a native WebView. Instead of the WebView approach, Titanium gives you a JavaScript context and provides a bridge that handles interactions between the JavaScript environment and native components. Titanium stood out because it actually interacted with native components. But now Titanium is not the only framework out there that takes this approach. A couple years ago Kyle took an early look at React Native. Let’s take another look and see how React Native has come along.

Getting Started

Start off by heading over to the React Native Getting Started page. They offer two options: Quick Start and Building Projects with Native Code. I have not tried the, now default, Quick Start option. Several documentation pages refer to needing to “eject” your application if it was created from the Quick Start. For that reason alone I have only used the Building Projects with Native Code option.

There are a few dependencies to install, but the guide walks you through what you need. You will need NodeJS and the watchman package for observing changes. You will also need to install the react native cli. Additionally, you will need Xcode if building for iOS and Android Studio if building for Android.

Once you’ve got the dependencies installed you create a new project with the CLI:
react-native init AwesomeProject

Running the App

With no changes to the code base, you can immediately build the app you just created. In a Titanium project, all builds are handled through the Axway Appcelerator CLI or Axway Appcelerator Studio. This is not the case with React. It seems you can only build to an iOS simulator, Android emulator, or Android device with the React Native CLI. To do this you use either:
react-native run-ios
To target iOS simulator. Or:
react-native run-android
To target an Android device or emulator.

The options provided with these commands are a little lacking compared to the options with the Axway Appcelerator CLI. In my time with React Native, every simulator build chose the iPhone 6 simulator. I could not find an option to specify a different simulator with the CLI. Additionally, the CLI does not handle multiple connected Android devices well. You need to only have a single connected Android device or running emulator.

So how do you target other iOS simulators or build to an iOS device? Open Xcode! From there you use the same build options that a native developer would use. This is a huge difference from Titanium that basically discourages the use of Xcode for anything but building native modules. If you’ve never done native iOS development this can be a little daunting at first. It’s simple enough to find the play button and drop-down to select your build target. But what if you want to do an adhoc distribution build? Fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there for learning Xcode.

How about Android builds? This is an area that I am not as familiar with. Because the React Native CLI is capable of building to a device, I haven’t tried to build the project with Android Studio. I have generated a signed APK. The React Native documentation has a guide, but it comes down to using gradle.

Editing the App

React Native does not provide an IDE like Axway Appcelerator Studio. The documentation does suggest taking a look at Nuclide. Nuclide is a package for Atom that claims to setup an environment for developing React Native. I found I wasn’t taking advantage of its features, so I uninstalled it after a couple days in favor of just Atom.

So you can open the code in a text editor, where do you go from there? With a Titanium project, at least an alloy one, the entry point is alloy.js. From there the index controller has loaded first automatically. React Native provides entry points at and index.ios.js. From there you can load whatever components you wish. The simplest thing to do is to edit some of the text provided with the sample project. Once you’ve made an update you can easily see your changes without rebuilding your app!

Axway Titanium provides a live view feature to see your app update as code changes. React Native offers a similar feature. On simulator you can press command + R to reload the code from the React Native packager. On an android emulator you can achieve the same thing by tapping R twice. Reloading can also be accessed from a built-in developer menu! To access the developer menu simply shake your device. You will see options to reload, enable remote JS debugging, enable live reload, and more.

Debugging Your Code

Axway Titanium attaches a console to builds made directly to a device, emulator, or simulator. The React Native process ends as soon as a build is installed and does not attach a console. Instead, you can enable remote debugging through the developer menu and debug your app in Google Chrome. You do not see a DOM representation of the app, but you do get access do the console and debugging tools! The debugging is done over TCP, so you don’t need to have built on a device connected to your computer. Inside the developer menu, you can change the URL used for remote debugging so you can debug as long as the device and machine running Google Chrome are on the same network.

Moving Forward

This has only been a brief look at getting started with React Native. In the future, I would like to revisit this topic to discuss more configuration, component driven design, and interacting with native code. React Native is very young, but it has come a long way in a short period of time. I am very excited to see how it matures as a cross-platform framework.

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